July 23, 2006 -- Click here to see the pictures -- Click here to see the Movies
Bill Schjelderup, Roger Schjelderup and Mark Lake got up early at Kye Bay to take off for the trailhead. We took 2 cars, one to drop at the end of our journey and one to take us to the Elk River Trailhead where we would start hiking.
Up until the trail splits away from Landslide Lake you walk on a well maintained easy to follow trail with nice bridges and markers. However, once you split off onto the elk trail, making sure you are on "the" trail, rather than some random elk trail takes a little more effort. Also, navigating around the avalanche debris slows travel down so you can appreciate the incredible damage mother nature can inflict upon the forest.
Our first day was long and hot, but we stopped a lot, enjoyed the views and arrived in camp in great spirits and not too tired.